Seymourville Drainage Canal Improvements

Forte and Tablada, Inc. was responsible for Topographic Survey, Preliminary and Final drawings and specifications, Construction Inspection, Hydrologic & Hydraulic Study, and permitting for drainage improvements to Seymourville Canal in Plaquemine. The design replaced the CMP culverts at Plaza Drive to improve the capacity of the existing system. The corrugated metal pipe was replaced with box culverts and the canal between Plaza and Tenant Road was lined with concrete to increase drainage capacity. This project was funded through HMGP funds.

In addition to increasing the drainage capacity of the channel, it was necessary to provide a lined channel due to previous erosion issues and erosion concerns related with constructing an earthen channel with the steep slopes necessary (2H:1V). It was determined that using a slope stabilization product would appropriately mitigate future erosion issues while providing the stability necessary for a successful project. As this was a Hazard Mitigation Grant funded project we were able to construct a project using a hardened channel that greatly reduces the likelihood for future channel erosion issues as well as a project with optimized flow for the modified route.




Iberville Parish, LA

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