This Coastal Impact Assistance Program project involved the shoreline restoration and bank stabilization of the Amite River. This project began with a detailed topographic survey near Louisiana Trace Road, which runs along the lower Amite River in Livingston Parish. Geotechnical information was gathered and evaluated with five borings twenty feet deep. This information was used to determine the constituents of the existing soil and provide Design Consulting for the Construction Plans regarding typical sections of bank stabilization and restoration.
Once this was completed, plans and specifications for bank restoration and stabilization of approximately 1.7 miles along Amite River Bank at Louisiana Trace Road were completed. Areas targeted on the immediate shoreline for restoration and stabilization ranged from 7 to 12 feet in depth, 10 to 15 feet in width and approximately 50 feet in length. The shoreline was accessed with equipment from Louisiana Trace Road and was initially cleared and grubbed of stumps, debris and other materials. The contractor deposited fill material from the local area in the areas of the shoreline that required restoration. Class 2# riprap was placed on the bank to stabilize restored areas of the shoreline. Geotextile fabric mats approximately 15 feet wide were placed over the riprap. An additional layer of class 2# riprap was added to anchor the fabric. One additional layer of Class 30# approximately 12 feet thick was applied as the final layer to the restoration.
The shoreline will be free of voids and debris and the slope gradient of the shoreline will be consistent with the adjacent non-impacted shoreline. This area is defined as below the five foot contour and has been designated by the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources as located within the Coastal Zone. All necessary permits, licenses and permission from all governmental authorities and private landowners were obtained.
Head of Island, LA